Friday 21 June 2013

Shaping Up for summers

body shaping
Wanting to look young is not exactly a new fad. But the conflict between the natural but slow and surgical yet fast methods can be frustrating. Here are few tips that would help you hold on to your youthful looking skin for longer without any harmful and risky surgical treatments.
As we age, different areas are affected. Some people develop wrinkling, spots, blemishes etc due to age as well as sunlight, pollution, unhealthy diet and stressful lifestyle.
For women the 5 most prominent body parts that give away her age are her hands, feet, elbows and neck in addition to the face. Sun, pollution, mental and physical stress, body takes a lot of daily stress. Make sure you always wear sunblock when you step-out and moisturise well.

A healthy, wholesome and balanced diet is the most vital secret to obtaining and maintaining a youthful skin. Always include: 
Leafy Green Vegetables – They are rich in water content and are a source of iron and fibre that helps get rid of harmful toxins from the body.
Fruits - They are a great source of anti-oxidants and bring a natural glow to the skin.
Lots of Water – Water keeps the skin moisturised and glowing. Drink 3-5 litres of water daily.
Good Night's Sleep – Lack of sleep can cause pre-mature aging signs. Make sure you sleep for 6-8 hours every night.

So now, do you really want to go for those quick nip-tucks that cast a giant hole in your pocket and even then might or might not give you the results you desired?

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